Rueda De Casino
In english below.
Taso: alkeisjatko (beginners-intermediate).
Kurssille osallistuessa on suositeltavaa olla kokemusta salsan perusaskelista (esim. soolosalsa).
Kurssilla opetellaan alusta alkaen parisalsan askeleet Ruedassa.
Kurssille et tarvitse omaa paria.
Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan joko viejäksi tai seuraajaksi.
Kurssit löytyvät Hobiverista nimillä:
- "SU - Rueda / VIEJÄ"
- "SU - Rueda / Seuraaja"
Mukaan mahtuu 10 viejää ja 10 seuraajaa.
165e / 14 x 60 min.
Rueda eli "Rueda De Casino" sai alkunsa Kuubassa 1950-luvulla Havannan kasinoilla ja klubeilla.
Jokaisella kuviolla on oma nimensä, esim.
- Sacale agua al pozo (Get water from the well)
- Pa' arriba (Basic step forward)
- Pa' Abajo (Basic step backward)
- Change the leader & change the follower
- Paseala (Give her a walk)
- Sacala (Take her out)
- Dile que no (Say NO)
The "Rueda De Casino" was originated in Cuba during the 1950s in the casinos and clubs of Havana. In the club "Casino Deportivo", it's exactly where the first Rueda was danced.
In the rueda, a main leader guides the steps and figures to be followed by the other couples, while the dancers constantly change partners and synchronously perform different spins and figures in a wheel. Ruedas are often danced at Cuban parties, and everyone enjoys this colorful moment.
Figures at the beginning of the rueda:
- Sacale agua al pozo (Get water from the well)
- Pa' arriba (Basic step forward)
- Pa' Abajo (Basic step backward)
- Change the leader & change the follower
- Paseala (Give her a walk)
- Sacala (Take her out)
- Dile que no (Say NO)